Thread Lift in Lahore
Not everyone likes to have a part of their skin cut off just for a cosmetic procedure. This is where a thread lift comes in.
We have all heard about facelifts before, and not always good things. This is understandable considering how it is a surgical process that has to be performed by very experienced individuals under very strict conditions. With that being said, the invasive nature of facelifting is only sometimes looked up to.
Thread lift is the less invasive and relatively affordable counterpart to a facelift. It uses thin threads to pull up the portion of the skin that needs lifting. Absolutely no cutting or stitching is involved, and it’s drastically less painful and dangerous than facelifting. Regardless of what you’re getting: a thread face lift, a chin thread lift, or anything you desire, it would still be less expensive, and less painful.
And The good news for you is, that instead of going through detailed and tiring Google searches of “thread lift near me”, or “best thread lift doctors near me”, you can just navigate Holisticare and find your ideal appointment.
Things to know about thread lift in lahore
There are numerous benefits of thread lift, the before and after photos are proof of that. You can have an eyelift with threads from a thread lift. You can target your cheeks, neck, chin, or your jowls.
It’s a highly universal procedure and can help you with most of your aging issues. But before we get into the benefits of a thread lift in detail, let us get to know a bit more about the exact process that goes down in the clinic.
The main advantage of a thread lift is minimal downtime. Although 2-3 days of rest is recommended, you can resume normal activities immediately, barring any severe reactions or side effects.
Thread lifts vary in duration, lasting 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the type and targeted area.
Ideal Candidate
Thread lift is ideal for people with sagging skin, which may happen in younger people as well, but generally, the procedure is targeted towards the age demographic of late 30 to 50 years.
How it Works
The basic steps in a thread lift are:
- Apply local anesthetic cream for skin prep.
- Insert fine threads using needles, the longest step.
- Remove needles, allowing threads to tighten the targeted area.
Transformation of Thread Lift
The good and bad thing about thread lift before and after is—that it’s not as dramatic as facelifts. So, if you have some major aging signs and extreme sagging, thread lift may or may not work for you. With that being said if you are looking for something less intense, but almost as effective, a thread lift procedure should be your ideal choice. It targets issues such as sagging skin, jowls, wrinkles, and loss of volume due to age.
Types of Thread Lifts
Thread lifts are categorized based on the material of the threads used in the procedure and the technique.
Material of the Threads
1. PDO Threads (Polydioxanone): Polydioxanone is a non-toxic substance used in thread lifts. It enhances the production of collagen in addition to lifting the targeted area. This material is absorbed eventually after it enters the skin. Looking for a “PDO thread lift near me?” Don’t worry, we have you covered at Holisticare.
2. PLLA Threads (Poly-L-Lactic Acid): PLLA threads are also absorbable and enhance collagen synthesis. But they are much more long-lasting as compared to PDO threads.
1. Cog Threads: Cog threads have barbs along their lengths. This provides much more intensive support and is used for areas that are more prone to age-related problems. Cog threads for neck lifts are the biggest example of this.
2. Mono Threads: They are smooth, thin threads that are most commonly used in this procedure. They improve the elasticity of the skin and provide very subtle changes.
3. Screw Threads: these are similar to cogs but use smaller-sized barbs along their lengths. They are more intense than mono threads but less than cogs.
Final Words
One does not have to go for all the invasive and painful procedures going viral all around the internet. A simple thread lift can do wonders for your face, and save you some money on the side. Connect with one of our best dermatologists instantly to get a customized plan for your next thread lift at Holisticare.